Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thought for Thanksgiving

First, I want to tell you a story. I recently heard a news story about a nearly foiled carjacking. It seems a man robbed a gas station, ran across the street, and began to beat a woman and drag her from her car. Several bystanders came to her aid, not the least of which whacked the thief upside the head with a frozen turkey. The thief got away, but the police did catch him later. He is now hospitalized with serious, but non-life threatening injuries.

OK, now I did not tell you this story to instruct you on the utility of a frozen turkey as a deadly weapon. Nor am I urging you to cruise the rough side of town with a trunkload of canned ham, looking for trouble. This story is an example of what I am thankful for today. I am thankful that even in these difficult times, we still live in a country where people do not turn their backs on someone in need. I am thankful that we still look out for each other.

So, raise your glass. Thank you God, for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us. Thank you for bringing together our family, and thank you for our heath, happiness, and prosperity. And thank you for making sure that in our times of need, there is a good Samaritan wielding a frozen turkey.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Snow Day

Having a nice day with Emma on our first snow day of the year. I hope we have a lot more! We've made cookies and she's playing Barbies. The cats are lying around like piles of laundry. Nice lazy day.